światosław / tales from the world




[ Mongolia 2014 ]




z analizy postaci bohaterów w ruskich bylinach i junaków w ludowych podaniach południowosłowiańskich, jako przechowalni dawnych archetypów z przedchrześcijańskich mitów heroicznych w “Religia Słowian”, Andrzej Szyjewski, Kraków 2003


Horse is alter ego of the hero, often born on the same day, connected with him by bonds of friendship, saves him from the most terrible troubles, can speak with human voice, giving counsel. It can possess wings, be extremely strong, faster than the wind, faster than the sun, able to jump to the moon. Sometimes, known in the fairy tale as humpback horse, is an actual representation of shamanic protective animal spirit, guiding Ivan through the death and resurrection to the hand of the princess (…)

Slavic folk heroes as a remnant of archaic pagan hero myth in “Religion of the Slavs”, Andrzej Szyjewski






Title: Konik Garbusek (The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Author: Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov
Illustrator: Jan Marcin Szancer
The edition was published in 1956 by publishing company: Nasza Księgarnia


[  http://bajaluki.info/the-little-humpbacked-horse-1956/ ]





[  http://daily.art.pl/2015-01-25  ]

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