światosław / tales from the world

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September 12th, 2013

“I wait for you” , The Ukrainians, 1991  /  “Na ciebie czekam”, The Ukrainians, 1991










September 5th, 2013

i am slowing down, paying my price, but receiving, receiving. flashes of being here and now as never before. in September sun, breadcrumbs and pear juice on chin, standing on pavement, nothing is to gain, every thing is already here, passing in front, on slow flowing, everchanging river of abundance.





zwalniam, płacąc cenę, ale otrzymując, otrzymując, błyski bycia tutaj i teraz jak nigdy wcześniej. we wrześniowym słońcu, okruszki chleba i resztki gruszki na brodzie, stojąc na chodniku, nic do zdobycia, wszystko już jest, przepływa przede mną, na wolnej, stale zmieniającej oblicze rzece obfitości.







August 29th, 2013


Libili sa dvama mladi, te dvama mladi,

Doshlo vreme da se vzemat

Mladite te liubili, svatba storili

Liubili sa dvama mladi, te dvama mladi,

Viarna kletva dali, te dvama mladi,

Doshlo vreme da se vzemat


Svatba storili





Two young people were in love

It came the time they get married

These young people were in love, and they did a wedding

Two young people were in love, these two young people,

They became faithful to each other, these two young people,

It came the time they get married


A wedding they did.






And they lived happily ever after



bangla blur

August 25th, 2013







go fuck yourself / islandia

August 13th, 2013



oh well, hmm, ok.












Can someone from Scandinavia explain the process that leads from Vikings to this :





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