światosław / tales from the world

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light in the forest is dim, it is scarce, it needs to be harvested from the thicket, never taken for granted. but because it is scarce, I learned to value it, and only against the backdrop of darkness it can reveal true beauty and meaning. search for the mystery on path of shamanism is greatest adventure, it is like wild animal, ever elusive, it can be killed so then it is gone, it can be caught but once caught and tamed it is not the same, so finally one appreciates the search itself, for its beauty and transience and asks for no more. Flickering light, shadows and spirits, realm of magic and glimpses of truth. I am happy.

words : here and now / images : Cameroon – Bangladesh – Peru – Mongolia – Poland



światła w lesie jest mało, jest nieraz stłumione lub z trudem przeciska się, trzeba je wyłuskiwać z gąszczu, zawsze dziękować, być uważnym. ponieważ jest go mało, nauczyłem się je cenić i widzieć, że tylko na tle ciemności objawia swe piękno i znaczenie. ściganie tajemnicy na ścieżce szamanizmu to największa przygoda, jest jak dzikie zwierze, nieuchwytne, może być zabite i wtedy wraz z życiem coś w nim znika, może być złapane, ale kiedy złapane i oswojone też nie jest już tym co goniłem, więc w końcu, powoli uczę się doceniać samo poszukiwanie, za piękno momentu i jego ulotność i nie prosić o więcej. Błyszczące w gęstwinie światełko kwiatu paproci, cienie i duchy, kraina magii i odblaski prawdy. Jestem szczęśliwy.

słowa : teraz i tu / zdjęcia : Kamerun – Bangladesz – Peru – Mongolia – Polska






































May 27th, 2015





Wiele lat później wspominając swoje pierwsze doświadczenie z LSD rabbi Schachter powiedział:
„Zdałem sobie sprawę, że wszystkie formy religii są maskami, które Boskość zakłada, by się komunikować z nami. Za wszystkimi religiami stoi rzeczywistość, a ta rzeczywistość zakłada taki strój, jakiego akurat potrzebuje, by przemówić do określonych ludzi.”

- Shalom Goldman, LSD and the Rabbis



Reflecting on his first acid trip many years later, Schachter said:
“I realized that all forms of religion are masks that the divine wears to communicate with us. Behind all religions there’s a reality, and this reality wears whatever clothes it needs to speak to a particular people.”

- Shalom Goldman, LSD and the Rabbis









Jedna rzeczywistość, która bawi się ze sobą, przybierając maski idei ale także maski odrębności, maski ja, jak siebie widzimy. Ta rzeczywistość, która próbuje się z “nami” komunikować, jest tym samym co my, a jej stan kiedy na dłuższy lub krótszy czas doświadczamy zrozumienia, to stan w którym jest miło, to miłość.




That one reality is playing with itself, putting on masks, masks of ideas, concepts, but also masks of separateness, masks of “self”, how we see ourselves. This reality, which tries to communicate with “us” is the same what we are, and when we experience longer or shorter moments of understanding, this state is called love.








The Feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ), also known as Corpus Domini, is a Latin Rite liturgical solemnity celebrating the tradition and belief in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Eucharist.  During this day, a chalice which used to represent Great Goddess is carried around in ritual procession and the gathered believe it contains the flesh of God.



Boże Ciało. W to katolickie święto, kielich-monstrancja, dawny symbol Wielkiej Bogini – w rytualnej procesji obnoszony jest, w wierze iż jest w nim dosłownie zawarte ciało Boga.













Healers and entheogenic plants, iboga & ayahuasca, Peru & Cameroon.


Uzdrawiacze i enteogeniczne rośliny, iboga i ayahuaska. Peru i Kamerun.













fun with the fungi

January 6th, 2015



After being hailed as one of the greatest writers of 20th century, when he turned to forbidden and strange paths, he became less and less understood, and even ostracized by contemporary critics.  In his thinking, he was years ahead of what was going to happen.

Aldous Huxley turned his interests towards psychedelics as catalysts of mystical experience and possible healing agents for the violent society which lost sense of direction. This led him to write famous “Doors of Perception”, as well as his last novel, psychedelic utopia called “Island”, where a drug called moksha, inspired by psylocybin, is administered in a system of initiations, to show the Reality and Unity and to heal by this the minds which otherwise in the despair of separation would commit atrocities Huxley was able to witness in the totalitarian regimes and war.

Having fun with fungi, was the way one reviewer dismissed the book. And in interview with Playboy, Huxley responded: “Which is better,” he asked, “to have Fun with Fungi or to have Idiocy with Ideology, to have Wars because of Words, to have Tomorrow’s Misdeeds out of Yesterday’s Misreads?”






These images were shot on the last day of our mushroom guided trip through Belarus, during anniversary of the end of World War 2, in Brest Fortress, where many thousands gave their lifes for War because of Words, and Idiocy of Ideology.







Some shy, candid photos that came from breaking a taboo, from a parallel world, location undisclosed on purpose.



Parę nieśmiałych, nielegalnych kadrów, wynik łamania tabu, pocztówki z równoległego świata, lokalizacja celowo nieznana.
























































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