“I give tanx for life. Never will I be ungrateful.
I give tanx for life. Even if my days are dreadful”
When the clouds come, there may be a time when it feels like you have nothing to share, that you can’t pour from an empty vessel. It ain’t never empty though, hard times also pass, patience pays off, and even when I don’t feel it, I chant the hardship away, like my mother did, like all the shamans do, it is that simple, keep on chanting. Zikr, remembering, when things are hardest, until time comes when one feels IT again.
Celebrate life, yo. You know what <3 is the solution.
According to the standards of psychiatric medicine, most likely, it is not a sign of mental balance when one walks the street and has tears of joy out of no apparent reason. Well, if so, I welcome sweet madness and brothers ( & sisters ) in ecstasy, worldwide.
Zgodnie ze standardami psychiatrii, jak mniemam, to nie jest oznaka psychicznej równowagi, kiedy idzie się ulicą i bez specjalnego powodu atakuje radość niemal wyciskająca łzy. Cóż, piona zatem, słodkiemu szaleństwu oraz braciom i siostrom w ekstazie, na całym świecie.